Trust your data. Know what's true.
Truestamp commitments attest to the timestamp, integrity, and provenance of your most important data by cryptographically binding it to public blockchains.
Verifiable timestamps
Whether intellectual property, media files, documents, or business critical data, you'll need to prove when it first existed with a timestamp.
By binding your data to multiple public blockchains you can provably link it to on-chain transactions that commit your data to a window in time.

Provably tamper resistant
Truestamp commits a privacy preserving hash, or fingerprint, of your data to on-chain transactions. Even single bit changes to the original data are enough to invalidate the commitment.

Ready to dive in?Start your free trial today.
Stellar Community FundSelected candidate. Twice.
The tools you need; the scale you deserve.
Our developer tools help you protect your most important data. Our secure global network gives you fast access and easy integration.
Submit Items from your favorite HTTP client or programming language. No SDKs required, a simple HTTP POST request makes integration simple.
Global Network
Our application is hosted in more than 300 global data centers, you'll always have a fast connection.
Security & Privacy
We use a globally recognized Identity Provider and your data belongs to you. Privacy is a first consideration in everything we do.
Command Line Interface
Our easy to install single-file CLI has no dependencies and works cross-platform.
3rd Party Integrations
We've designed Truestamp to make it easy to integrate your favorite tools or business process applications.
Immutable Data Storage
Our Commitments are bound to multiple public blockchains, our data store is also globally distributed and retains immutable temporal history of changes.
Open Source SDKs
We provide a ready-to-use SDK that let you submit Items and independently verify them locally or through our API.
Support & Community
We're here to help. If you have questions, feedback, or need help, use our messaging widget below and start a conversation.